Goodness is a choice

Goodness is a choice

It is only natural to choose goodness

It is only natural to choose goodness. New-born babies recognize it just hours after birth and, in one way or another, they continue to search for it for the rest of their lives. Here at Loacker, we do all we can to make sure they find it.

Because we are the first to choose goodness.

We choose the goodness of our own values

Young Alfons Loacker grew up in a family that handed down values such as sincerity, respect, and care for those one loves. A family that soon recognized his talent as a true creative spirit. Way back in 1925, Alfons was driven by his boundless passion to create a wafer that was as tempting as a freshly baked pastry but so much more practical and easy to store. The most extraordinary fragrance started wafting through his customers’ homes and they just kept coming back for more. Even in those days, the wrapping was no mere detail, for Alfons took care of it himself, even though he had no access to the stay-fresh packaging we have perfected since then.

When war broke out, this bountiful treasure of love, experience and genuineness was sorely put to the test and could well have been lost. But Alfons believed in it so firmly that his children, Armin and Christine, who grew up with his values, soon felt a desire to bring “good things, made to perfection” to others, while never betraying their father’s artisanal approach.

And this is how Ulrich, Andreas and Martin, the current generation of Loackers, were born and raised. Every day, together with them, we enter the homes of those who love goodness, bringing only genuine specialties, in which we have absolute confidence.

We feel like we’re part of one big family.

We choose the goodness of our ingredients

We care for all our ingredients, wherever they come from. We select each one with the greatest attention and we help make each plantation a better place. Once they reach Loacker, each ingredient is treated with the utmost care, to protect the aroma we have learned to bring out during the delicate preparation phase.

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We choose goodness from the environment around us

Raw materials of uncompromising quality cannot be found everywhere and, sad to say, also the air and water are not always fresh and pure everywhere either. That’s why Armin Loacker decided in the 1970s to transfer the production of wafers to what he considered to be the ideal environment for Loacker specialties, in Unterinn/Auna di Sotto, just by the Monte Sciliar, in the heart of the Alps.

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We choose only goodness and reject the rest

We believe that Mother Nature always knows better than we do. That’s why we don’t just select fine raw materials and prepare them in the right environment, and it’s why we also put our foot down when it comes to colorants, preservatives and hydrogenated fats, which we keep strictly out of our specialties. Our ingredients are selected and prepared so carefully that they need nothing extra, even if this means more research and greater care.

Genuine goodness is not easy to obtain, but we like to do all we can to make sure we achieve it.

Because, at Loacker, goodness is a choice.

Loacker. Pure goodness!