A joy to share on every occasion.

Enjoying all the different forms of Loacker goodness is a pleasure like no other. To delight you with the best of our specialties we have created The Best of Loacker – Happy Holidays, an amazing selection of our best creations. One look at the packaging and you'll sense that it contains goodness in its purest form.

Sizes available

  • 400g




Falling in love with hazelnuts is only natural, and even more so if they're Italian. Here at Loacker, we know we need to choose Italian hazelnuts, the ones with the most generous aroma.



What makes many of our creams absolutely irresistible is the cocoa, a precious ingredient that we select and process with passion.

Bourbon vanilla pods

Bourbon vanilla pods

For us, there is only one place in the world where vanilla develops an incomparable aroma, and that is Madagascar.

Nutritional values and ingredients